A product valuation form is required for each of your product categories.
Glossary of Terms
Material Cost - raw materials; distinguish by origin, whether materials are imported or locally purchased.
Direct Labor Cost - the cost of workers who add value to a product through their direct involvement in the production process here in Hawaii.
Manufacturing Overhead Cost - indirect manufacturing costs incurred in Hawaii, including:
Indirect Labor Costs - wages of employees not directly involved in products, including:
Wages for employees performing equipment maintenance and repairs.
Wages for production supervisors.
Wages for personnel supporting production such as quality control inspectors.
Creativity Value (if applicable) - value of ideas for products (a value assigned by the creator.
State law prohibits the use of “Made in Hawaii” as an advertising or media tool for any item that has not been manufactured, assembled, fabricated, or produced within the State and that has not had at least 51% of its wholesale value added by manufacture, assembly, fabrication, or production within the State.
We want to encourage the use of Hawaii suppliers and we appreciate you supporting Hawaii by making use of ALL local opportunities in the development of your product. All vendors participating in the Made in Maui County Festival must have their business headquarters on the islands of Maui, Molokai, or Lanai.